Oh my goodness, where has the time gone? October flew by so fast. I will say it has been one of the best but most stressful months I have had this year. Every time fall comes around, I set goals for myself that I will go to a haunted house, carve pumpkins, bake holiday treats, etc. Usually, I never do any of those but this year I feel like I embraced all the fall activities that I could! I went to a haunted house earlier this month and even though it wasn't too scary, I had so much fun. It also got me into this stage of watching scary movies every weekend with friends. This past week I was watching a Chucky marathon and it was hysterical. I also went to the fair recently with one of my friends and we had fun playing with his GoPro camera on all the rides! You can view the video of our clips here. Okay, so on to some of my favorites for the month....

So I was introduce to the Walking Dead this month and I am really loving it. I haven't had much time to go back and watch the previous seasons but I am hoping to do that with all the holidays coming up. I also caught up on Revenge which has been one of my favorite shows for about 3 years now. This season is mind-blowing and everything is finally coming together. Lastly, I started watching the office on Netflix. O. M. G. It is the funniest show I have ever seen. You have to have a good sense of humor to really get into it. It has definitely cheered me up when I am having a rough or stressful day because I can't help but laugh at all the silly things they do on there!
Long story short.. I used to be a die hard Taylor Swift fan and then once she turned into a pop star and ditched the curls, I started disliking her. Well I saw her new album on iTunes this week and decided I would give it a try. I am OBSESSED. I bought the whole album (which I never do with any artist). Her lyrics are always on point. Some of the songs I have been loving are Clean, All You Had To Do Was Stay, and I Know Places.
As far as fashion favorites, I have been loving hats and flannels. I think I wear a hat every single chance I can so I apologize if I post like 5 outfits in a row of me wearing a floppy hat... but they are just so darn cute for the fall! Flannels have also been a go to since I can style them a million different ways. I can throw it over a tee or dress, wrap it around my waist, use it as a jacket, etc. AND they are available anywhere for affordable prices.
Hats: Wool Panama Hat // Swell Beanie // Nordstrom Floppy Hat
Flannels: Hooded Flannel // J. Crew Flannel
Flannels: Hooded Flannel // J. Crew Flannel
Side note | I apologize for being absent this week. As some of you know, the deadline for early admission at many colleges is November 1st. I have been working all week on perfecting my applications as well as having a huge load of school work piled on top of me. Now with all of that behind me, I will be posting much more in the upcoming weeks!
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